The Chico E-R was on the scene, too, and posted its story about six hours after Jenise's. It followed up with a tweet this morning about 8.
It's great to see that sort of hustle from The Orion's news staff, showing both readers and @theorion_news followers that the paper is on the job covering the news.
Not as good were the images brought back from the delivery of the new bridge deck.
The photo on the website shows (old) signs, no people and no new bridge. The tweet photo had people and put the image in context, but it's really hard to see the new bridge unless you know what you're looking for. The E-R's photographer did a little better, showing the bridge deck in a sunny spot. Still, no people and little context.
I was telling the photo and video staff's at Oriontation yesterday how important images are to the web. Readers are drawn to stories by them, so they need to do a good job indicating what the story is about.
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