Saturday, January 18, 2014

Using TweetDeck to manage Twitter

Twitter is one of the great tools for getting news online quickly.

Reporters can tweet live from a breaking news event, retweet information they find interesting from tweeters they follow and promote stories they write for a newspaper or website.

One of the challenges for news organizations, though, is getting the tweets of individual reporters onto the organization's own Twitter feed. Most readers won't know the Twitter handles of all writers, photographers and videographers who work for, for example, so it's important that editors at The Orion figure out a way to transmit those Tweets to the audience.

One way is to give everyone on staff the password to @theorion_news and @theorion_sports, but I think the free Twitter tool TweetDeck is a better approach.

Individual section editors can easily create a column for each reporter on staff to follow, in real time, what they're posting (TweetDeck refreshes automatically). The editors can then retweet a reporter's post or rewrite it, adding a URL link if the story is already online at, using one of the two Orion Twitter accounts.

TweetDeck can also be used to generate story ideas and follow breaking news. Editors and reporters can create columns in the application to search or follow Twitter accounts and hashtags their interested in.

Here are some tutorials to help you get started with TweetDeck:
From Twitter -
A 19-minute YouTube tutorial -

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