Sunday, November 9, 2014 on pace for another good month

No single, blockbuster story drove traffic to the first week of November, but analytics show the website is on pace to have another outstanding month.

For the first seven days of the month:
• 224,994 pages were viewed, which puts the site on a pace for 964,260 for the month
• Unique visitors numbered a little less than 10,000, so a total near 40,000 is a good bet.

October's record-setting traffic was helped by two big stories, the death of a student who was hit by a train near campus and a feature about Pocket Points, a new app developed by a pair of Chico State students. Both attracted more than 20,000 page views.

Even without a big story last week, lots of people were navigating to the site and staying to read stories, watch videos and comment. They visited an average of 11.3 pages per visit in the first days of the month, which was pretty typical of traffic in the past. Professional news websites are doing well when people stick around to read two or three more stories after coming to a site.

People coming to read only a story or two and then leaving is what web marketers call a high rate of "churn," a bad thing if you're trying to sell advertising on your site. 

Here are the top stories on for the first week of November:
1. The Orion's Wildcat of the Year contest announcement - 4,550 visits
2. Out-of-towners attacked at party - 2,170
3. Baseball alumnus nears goal to pay chemo treatment - 2,170 and 480 Facebook posts
4. Campus presidents up for pay raise - 1,974 visits and 324 Facebook posts
5. Chico Halloween 2014 live Twitter feed - 1,447
6. The O-face - 1,194
7. Chico State student dies of heart failure - 1,136
8. How queer folk can best support allies - 1,075

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